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In the National Library, the electronic database "Novruz holiday" has been presented to users online


The Novruz holiday, which is related to the eternal laws of nature and the unchanging order of the universe, enters our country on the first day of spring, which heralds the equalization of day and night. As a unique souvenir of our ancient ancestors, the arrival of the Spring Festival has been welcomed in the Land of Fire for centuries with special ceremonies and is accompanied by festive celebrations. This holiday, which demonstrates our national existence and the richness of the spiritual world of our great-grandfathers to the finest shades, is loved, cherished and properly preserved even today with its beautiful traditions that have stood the test of centuries.

On the occasion of Novruz holiday, the "Novruz holiday" electronic database was presented to users online by the employees of the National Library of Azerbaijan. Publications that reflect Novruz, its traditions, Novruz sayings, photos and videos, etc. are available in the electronic database.

Those who want to get acquainted with the electronic database can use the link

The National Library of Azerbaijan congratulates all the people of Azerbaijan on the occasion of Novruz holiday and wishes our people a spring mood and good health. May this holiday bring plenty of sustenance and prosperity to every home with its arrival! Happy Novruz holiday!